Hi Tony,

Regarding "The problem is the multi-line text cannot be copy-pasted
directly into the command line as the first newline will terminate the

I don't know what operating system you're using.  If it's not a tiny
embedded OS, I wondered if you might want to use one of the many sqlite GUI
utilities available.

If that's not suitable, and you're on windows, there's a chance a small
batch file along the lines below would help.  It automatically pastes the
clipboard into a file.

First, make a general-purpose cmd file named "getClip.cmd" containing:
@echo off
echo set objHTML = CreateObject("htmlfile"^)
echo ClipboardText = objHTML.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("text"^)
echo set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
echo set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("clip.txt", 2, true^)
echo objFile.WriteLine ClipboardText
echo objFile.Close
) > "%temp%\clip.vbs"
Now create a little batch file for your particular purpose along the lines
rem Send clipboard contents to the file "clip.txt"
call getClip.cmd

rem Now invoke sqlite3.exe to use readfile() to import clip.txt into a blob.
etc. etc.

(I used to use a nice free utility named "ClipOut.exe" instead of the
"getClip" above, but it worked only with older Windows versions.)

Just a guess,  Linux may have a more elegant solution.

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