Throwing a wild idea out: Can you try using single-quotes
(e.g. "...where dancename = 'Waltz'..."). Single-quotes are meant to
be used for text-literals; double-quotes are meant to "protect"
field/table names where they clash with keywords (or contain "odd"
characters). Additionally, do you by any chance have a field called
"Waltz" in your table?

Tuesday, June 04, 2019, 7:26:12 PM, Doug <> wrote:

> Sqlite version is 3.27.1.

> I have no indexes defined.

> Here is a query I just ran from bash:

> select songfile_id,dancename,dancegroupname from songfiletable where 
> songfile_id=377;
> 377|Waltz|American Smooth

> ... and another:

> select songfile_id,dancename,dancegroupname from songfiletable where 
> dancename like "Waltz";
> 377|Waltz|American Smooth
> 388|Waltz|American Smooth
> ... and yet another:

> select songfile_id,dancename,dancegroupname from songfiletable where 
> dancename = "Waltz";

> Nothing selected using "=".

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