On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 11:26:12 -0700
"Doug" <dougf....@comcast.net> wrote:

> select songfile_id,dancename,dancegroupname from songfiletable where
> dancename like "Waltz";

What Shawn Wagner's answer shows you is that 


is a string and 


is a column name, because in SQL double-quotes denote identifiers.
They don't denote strings, unlike as in, say, C.  

The double-quote escape syntax let's you have odd columns names with
spaces and such:

create table "The Blue Danube" (
        "Waltzing Matilda" text not NULL primary key

If there's no column name "Waltz" in songfiletable, that's a bug IMO. 

As a matter of style, what is songfiletable?  A set of songs, or a
file, or a table?  Why not just "songs"?  

create table songs {
        id integer not null primary key, -- probably not needed 
        dance ... ,
        dance_group ... , -- or just "group", but see next

If songs have names and dances, and dances have groups, then
dancegroupname belongs in another table, "dances".  



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