To clarify, we add a column on our writer connection, and then "SELECT *
FROM table" on the reader connection does not include the column that was


On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 11:32 AM Ben Asher <> wrote:

> Hi folks! We're running (sqlite 3.27.2) into an issue where we make a
> schema update (adding a column to a table) on our writer connection, but
> then the schema update isn't immediately available on the read-only
> connections that we use on other threads, which causes a crash in our
> application (app expects the column to exist at that point). I've verified
> that the column does indeed get added, and everything works fine after
> restarting the application (i.e. all connections loaded fresh pickup the
> schema update).
> Is there something we need to do proactively to ensure that schema update
> appears immediately from other threads?
> Some notes about our setup:
> sqlite 3.27.2
> Using multithread mode (SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX)
> Using WAL mode
> Thanks!
> Ben

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