First off, if this sort of "code review" style question is
inappropriate for this list, please feel free to reply to me directly
and tell me to stop, and I'll know to not do this again.

That said, I have a question on the use of SQLite.  At the risk of
falling into the XY problem, I'll give some details on what i'm doing,
and then how I'm doing it.  My basic question is if what I'm doing is
valid, and if I'm doing anything needlessly wasteful.

I have a system monitoring events (and I know I'm being vague on the
exact nature of these events, I can't provide too many details, sorry.
Please try to accept what I say as given about them).  The events have
IDs that are generated externally, they're 30-40 ascii characters
long, appear random, and known to be unique by external means for a
given event.  For the purposes of this particular problem, the only
thing I care about tracking is when I first saw an event, and the last
time I saw it.  For better or worse, this ecosystem already thinks
about timestamps as the number of minutes since a specific epoch, and
is used to treating all time values as an integer in that space, I'm
doing the same here.

So, I have a RESTful server written in Python, using APSW to create a
simple SQLite database:

            event_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
            first_seen INTEGER,
            last_seen INTEGER
        ) WITHOUT ROWID;

Every time a new event comes in (they might be very out of order), I do a:

    INSERT INTO event(event_id, first_seen, last_seen) VALUES(?, ?, ?)
        first_seen = MIN(excluded.first_seen, hashes.first_seen),
        last_seen = MAX(excluded.last_seen, hashes.last_seen);

To create the record for the event if it's new, or possibly update an
existing one with new values.  To give a sense of scale, I have around
5 billion events stored right now for the past couple of years in a
250gb database, and I see around 20 million per day, some small
percentage of those are new.

The important thing I can do for users is pull up reports.  The report
is roughly a summary of how old events are (when they were first seen,
and how long they've been seen for).  Outliers are highlighted, as are
events that haven't been seen at all.  The user will provide around
ten thousand event IDs, the majority of them, approaching 99%, will
exist in my database.  When the user requests a report, I create an in
memory database:

   ATTACH ':memory:' AS mem_db;
   CREATE TABLE mem_db.valid(event_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY);

And populate that table with the events the user is interested in.
I'm doing this since I won't get the list of items in one list, it's
built up over some minutes.  If the system running dies in the middle
of a request, it's OK to start over.  Then I run:

    LEFT JOIN event ON
        event.event_id = mem_db.valid.event_id;

And gather up the results and pretty them up for the user.

Does all of this seem valid?  It works, so I'm OK with it, but I'm far
from a SQLite expert, and I want to know if I'm going to be backing
myself into a corner or otherwise torturing things that should be done
differently.  Or, if the answer is: "Don't use SQLite for that",
that's fine too, I'll start looking at other options.

Thanks for any feedback.
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