On 9/13/19, Jens Alfke <j...@mooseyard.com> wrote:
> If I have a set of primary keys (let's say a few hundred) and need to fetch
> data from the table rows with those keys, what's the fastest way to do so?
> The options seem to be:
> (a) Execute "SELECT … FROM table WHERE key=?", once for each key.
> (b) Execute "SELECT key, … FROM table WHERE key IN (…)", including all of
> the key strings.
> If I do (a), I can pre-prepare the statement and save the overhead of
> compilation. But SQLite has to go through the rest of its work (starting the
> virtual machine, b-tree lookup, etc.) once for each key.
> If I do (b), SQLite has less setup work to do, and it could potentially
> optimize the b-tree lookup. On the downside, I have to prepare a statement
> every time since the RHS of an "IN" isn't substitutable.
> Does anyone have intuition or actual knowledge about which approach is
> better? Or know of a 3rd better approach?

A third option is to use the carray-extension to create an IN query
that is substitutable.


D. Richard Hipp
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