On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 19:19:53 +0000
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> Have any of you been using this term for a meaning other than "Fully
> conforming to SQL:2019 (or whatever version you think current) ?  Do
> you have documentation somewhere ?  Or are my suspicions correct and
> there's no such thing ?

I often refer to "the SQL standard" as if there were only one.  For
many purposes, there might as well be just one.  

For example, some SQL DBMSs support "UPDATE FROM" to update one table
from another.  If we can agree that's nonstandard SQL, then surely it's
also "not standard SQL" and "is not defined by the SQL standard".  

Similarly, last I checked, no SQL standard supported LIMIT for SELECT.  

On the positive side, some parts of SQL haven't changed since the Late
Bronze Age.  "SELECT *" still means all columns; "FROM" still takes a
table argument, whether a tablename, view, or expression.  "WHERE"
operates on values "before" aggregation; "HAVING" on values "after"
aggregation.  Any implementation that operates any other way does not
implement standard SQL.  

SQL is hardly unique in this regard.  We also refer to "the" C standard
library, to "Posix", and to "the" C or C++ standard.  Like SQL, there
are many such and (also like SQL) some parts are unchanged since the
beginning while, just as usefully, some that weren't part of the
first standard haven't changed since they were introduced.  


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