Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 3:00:09 PM, Luuk <luu...@gmail.com> wrote:

[tests snipped]

> So, the index does not grow indefinitely

> On 25-2-2020 14:00, Graham Holden wrote:
>> It is an interesting problem. And the above is just guesswork... It would
>> be good to verify experimentally that the index really does grow
>> indefinitely

Just to avoid (more) confusion, that speculation was from Dan's email
from 2014 (I pasted his response, quoting the original email from
andrewmo who raised the issue: perhaps I should have tried to add
another layer of quoting...)

IIRC (and I probably don't), I think it was found that there wasn't
any "grow indefinitely" involved. I also suspect the cyclic nature of
the post-vacuum numbers (27..52..2..27..52) is indicative of what (I
think) Dan was describing, namely that the "clean-up" isn't always as
"aggressive" as it potentially could be:

>                                  If you then add even more data so that
> the 16th level-N b-tree is created, everything gets merged together and
> we're back in the optimal state - everything in a single b-tree. However -
> this b-tree is deemed to be a level-N+1 b-tree. Meaning that this time,
> much more data will have to be added before everything is merged together
> again.

Graham Holden

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