A before trigger which uses the raise function would stop it from getting 
inserted in the first place. 

create trigger cull
before insert on tbl
when new.value = (select value from tbl order by time desc limit 1)
select raise(ignore);

Or if you want it to actually return an error to let you know what happened you 
could make it
select raise(abort, 'Repeated entry');

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users <sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org> On Behalf Of 
Przemek Klosowski
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 12:02 PM
To: SQLite mailing list <sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org>
Subject: [sqlite] Fwd: inserting new data only

I am storing time series data arriving from a sensor into (time,value)
records, like so:
10:32  12
10:35  15
10:37  15
10:39  13
10:43  13
10:46  18

and I want to avoid storing repetitive data, so that the database should contain
10:32  12
10:35  15
10:39  13
10:46  18
where only the earliest time with the unchanging value is stored.

I don't see how INSERT could be conditional on e.g.  value != (select
value from tbl order by time descending limit 1), so I thought I'd use
triggers. The only way I could think of was to delete the new
duplicate record after it has been inserted:

create trigger cull after insert on tbl when
 (select value-lead(value) over (order by time desc) from a limit 1) = 0
   delete from a where time like new.time;

Is there a simpler way?
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