gl demoor wrote:
> I did some preliminary and extensive reseach (cough google cough :) on
> delphi and pocketpc
> unless I'm missing something, delphi is not use for pocketpc programming
> google results were of the following nature:
> >I'm pretty sure no one supports *Delphi* for *Pocket PC*, so you will need
> >to switch to another language. Your choices are C, C++, C#, and VB
> (Excerpt usenet message aug 2 05, by a Robert Zaret, eMVP)
> I hope to use the same (type) language for desktop and ppc programmation.
> The most likely candidate seems evc++ & vc++. (I still have to learn it)
> even more so because the intended tool calls for lowlevel access to the
> serial port on the pocketpc (Dallas Ibutton interfacing).
> I'm however concerned about the database connectivity. On a previous
> attempt, I bought Sybase PocketBuilder on sybase's reputation of being
> proficient at different db formats. Only to find out dbase, foxpro support
> and such was scrapped from pocketbuilder.

I know very little about the development environment for PocketPC, but
you might consider Tcl/Tk: describes what is available.



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