This is likely a naive response, but on Linux have you thought using /dev/shm? It's a tmpfs ramdisk that is needed by POSIX shared memory calls shm_open and shm_unlink in glibc 2.2 and above. It grows and shrinks as required and uses almost no memory if it's never populated with files.

As a simple test I created /dev/shm/test.d using sqlite3, created a simple table and populated it with a couple of rows of data. I connected to the database from another sqlite instance, and I was able to read the data just fine. After closing down both instances the test database was still there (no surprise, it's a filesystem after all).

Dunno if that helps any.

Glenn McAllister
SOMA Networks, Inc.

Drew, Stephen wrote:
Hello all,
An interesting use of the in-memory SQLite database would be to use it
in shared memory and have the data shared between applications but
stored once.

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