
Newbie to SQLite, so maybe my question will seems trivial.

I want to manage the SQLITE_BUSY error like this: If it fails, sleep X
ms then try the command Y times. I found 2 ways to do it:

----- First is to manage a loop like:

tryIt = X;

        err = sqlite3_exec(...)
} while (err == SQLITE_BUSY && tryIt-- && sleep(Y))

-- Alternative (??)

sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3*, Y);
tryIt = X;

        err = sqlite3_exec(...)
} while (err == SQLITE_BUSY && tryIt--)

----- The second is to set a busy callback

sqlite3_busy_handler(sqlite3*, foo, void*)

And in 
int foo(void*,int count)
        if (count > X)
                return 0;

        return 1;


The second solution seems better to me, because we don't have to manage
a loop for each function that can return SQLITE_BUSY (like exec, step or
even close).

In a lot of example, the first solution is often use. Is there any
issues with the second one?

Any advise ?


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