>     I am simply curious.  This sounds like an amazing 
> engineering challenge.  If it is not a secret, can you 
> describe what this data represents and how it will be used? 
Genomics. Look up "Smith-Waterman" or "Needleman-Wunsch-Sellers" on the web.

>     What is the ultimate source of this data? 
Custom hardware
>     How many days/weeks/eons of it do you plan to accumulate? 
Less than a week.

>   How much
> raw disk space is that?
It varies by thresholding. 1GB to several TB.
>     If backups and journaling are not important, then is it 
> safe to assume that you can always regenerate that data on 
> demand?  Is each "set" of data identical, or only 
> statistically similar to prior sets?
I can always regenerate if I want to wait a few days. It's not exactly an
exact science anyway.

>     Your project sounds like fun though, from what little 
> I've read of this thread.  Sure beats writing boring 
> financial software ;)
I admit I'm quite enjoying it as well.

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