Any one any idea?

My app get this backtrace when i execute it:

#0  0xb6f0f3ee in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
#1  0xb7b03500 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler () 
from /opt/kde/lib/
#2  <signal handler called>
#3  0xb7f0a246 in sqlite3SafetyOn () from /usr/lib/./
#4  0xb7efe385 in sqlite3_prepare () from /usr/lib/./
#5  0x080511aa in bd::cargar_ultimo_uso (this=0x805b980) 
at /home/Programas/preguntas/src/bd.cpp:155

It's open perfectly the db but when i try this code get that:
the code:

string cola = "SELECT * FROM ultimo;";

 int ret = sqlite3_prepare( base_datos, cola.c_str(), cola.size(), &pStmt, 

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