* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-03 21:35]:
> How many Users can be reader/writer to a DB at the same time,
> if all User controlled by the logical Locking-System? 
> I have searched in Mail-Archiv and in Docu, but I dont found
> any Infos about concurrent Users.

That’s because SQLite is not a database server. There aren’t any
connections being made.

In principle, you can access the database concurrently from as
many processes as you want, though obviously, the more of them
need to make concurrent updates, the slower things will be for

There are no issues of corruption. If you try to run 10,000
concurrent users, it won’t break, it’ll just get very slow. Well,
there might be bugs, but SQLite is not known for them, nor for
slowness; in contrast to Access.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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