-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 13:19:30 +0200
Von: "Olaf Beckman Lapré" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Betreff: Re: [sqlite] Multiple Users

Hi Olaf

> Why not use optimistic locking (timestamp based pseudo locking)? It's
> ussually sufficient.

Thats my way in OLEDB. I store the Users ID, the Workstation-ID, 
the Current-Process-ID, a initial Timestamp and a Heartbeat-Timestamp 
to see, that this Record-Lock is alive. And last, I store the ID of 
the Record to be locked and his appended Records in other Tables. 
That works very fine and prevent logical conflicts on the Level 

But this do not avoid a physical write-conflict to Disk if multiple 
Users write there changes to DB at the same moment. SQLite dont support 
optimistic locking. It seems to me, with SQLite I can do my Pseudo-
Locking as a Concept too, similarly to OLEDB, but in reflection to 
the DB's Busy-State. 

*hmmm* But.... if I think a time about it... isn't it so, that 
SQLite allways perform a optimistic locking? Mikkis Posting makes
me meditative ... it seems to me, it contains all the needed answers 
to me.

Bye, Anne


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