I've just lost a couple of days' worth of data when my app crashed.  (Well, the 
data wasn't a total loss thanks to backup plans, but the database itself 
essentially reverted to its state of 2 days ago.)  This is despite my app doing 
a COMMIT after every modification of the DB.

It's acting as though all the changes were held in memory, or somehow 
journaled, and when the crash happened, the changes were all lost or rolled 
back.  What I need is a way to force the database to save its data to disk 
while my app is running, so that in the event of a crash, I lose little or no 
data.  How can I do this?  I presume that closing the database would do the 
trick, but is there a less heavy-handed way?

- Joe

Verified Express, LLC     "Making the Internet a Better Place"

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