P Kishor wrote:

I tried my own steps as stated below, and failed rather miserably. I
created everything as below, and ran an UPDATE yesterday mid-aft. Came
back this morning, and by mid-morning it hadn't even budged. Killed
the process, and tried a simple about 10 mins ago

SELECT * FROM v_attr WHERE pt_id = 1;

and even that hasn't returned anything as of yet.

By the way, I also added non-composite indexes to all the columns, and
ran ANALYZE before doing any of this.

Any suggestions, rays of hope, etc. welcome.

On 9/19/06, P Kishor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have the following two tables and related indexes --

      x        REAL,
      y        REAL,
      attr     TEXT

    CREATE INDEX ix_pt_x ON pt (x)
    CREATE INDEX ix_pt_y ON pt (y)

      xmin      REAL,
      ymin      REAL,
      xmax      REAL,
      ymax      REAL,
      attr      TEXT

    CREATE INDEX ix_py ON py (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)

I want to UPDATE pt SETting pt.attr = py.attr WHEREver the Count of
(pt.x  BETWEEN py.xmin AND py.xmax  AND pt.y  BETWEEN py.ymin AND
py.ymax) is 1.

So, I have come up with the following way -- I have created a view to
do my SELECTs

    CREATE VIEW v_attr AS
SELECT pt.id AS pt_id, Count(pt.id) AS pt_id_count, py.attr AS py_attr
      FROM pt JOIN py ON
          (pt.x BETWEEN py.xmin AND py.xmax) AND
          (pt.y BETWEEN py.ymin AND py.ymax)
      GROUP BY pt_id_count
      HAVING pt_id_count = 1

Well, any SELECTs from the view v_attr take forever. Anyway to speed it up?

If all of the above works, then I can do the following UPDATE --

    UPDATE pt AS a_pt
    SET attr = (
      SELECT py_attr
      FROM v_attr
      WHERE a_pt.id = v_attr.pt_id

And so I ask you, does this make sense? Is my JOIN okay? One local wag
was saying that JOINs can only be done using '=', not BETWEEN.
Nevertheless, perhaps a SQL guru on this list can guide me on this

You have an error in the select statement inside your create view statement.

sqlite> SELECT pt.id AS pt_id, Count(pt.id) AS pt_id_count, py.attr AS py_attr
  ...> FROM pt JOIN py ON
  ...> (
  ...>  (pt.x BETWEEN py.xmin AND py.xmax) AND
  ...>  (pt.y BETWEEN py.ymin AND py.ymax)
  ...> )
  ...> GROUP BY pt_id_count
  ...> HAVING pt_id_count = 1;
SQL error: misuse of aggregate:

Sqlite does not complain when you create the view because it does not compile the query at that point. You should get the error message if you ever try to use the view.

The group by clause is wrong. You should change pt_count_id to pt_id. Furthermore, standard SQL (I'm not sure about sqlite here) doesn't allow you to use an alias name defined in the select clause in the having clause, because those output fields may not exist yet. Since the having clause will only return groups where the count is 1, there is no sense returning that constant value from the view. Try this instead.

SELECT pt.id AS pt_id, py.attr AS py_attr
(pt.x BETWEEN py.xmin AND py.xmax) AND
(pt.y BETWEEN py.ymin AND py.ymax)
GROUP BY pt.id
HAVING count(pt.id) = 1;

Also, our update statement will not work at all. Firstly, there is no AS clause allowed in an update statement. Secondly, there is no condition on the update so that all rows in the pt table will be changed to the same new value of attr if it executes. The value would be the first value returned by the subquery that is getting data from the view.

Given these errors, I don't think you tested the statements you posted.

Dennis Cote

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