On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Roger Binns wrote:

The usual approach is to write a web page about it and then publish a
story on Slashdot.

I have to second this idea. It worked well for Poul-Henning Kamp.

OK.  Thanks everybody for your support.  But let's try to
de-escalate this just a bit.  I've checked in changes so
that the default temp-file name for SQLite no longer has
an "sqlite_" prefix.  And so if I can just get in touch
with responsible developers at McAfee and get them to
recompile, or better yet, recompile with


then I think the problem will be solved.  And I have received
private email from a former McAfee employee who is hopeful of
being able to put me in touch with the right person.

The phone-call frequency is not currently that bad.  I've only
talked to two irate Mcafee customers so far today.  I can deal
with that.  I just want to make sure the phone-call rate doesn't
grow.  And so if I can get new builds of Mcafee products to
use the latest version of SQLite, or to use the TEMP_FILE_PREFIX
compile-time option shown above, then the problem will eventually

No need to call in a preemtive Slashdot bombardment just yet.
Let's give diplomacy a chance...

despite my initial sarcasm i do feel this is by far the best approach - just
obfusicate the issue with a little (configurable) renaming.  only people in
the know will figure out 'sqlite' is 'etilqs' backwards and, as you point out,
a compile option to override should leave no one any room to complain.

a simple, elegant, non-confrontational solution to be sure.

my religion is very simple.  my religion is kindness. -- the dalai lama

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