On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 02:40:44PM -0600, John Stanton wrote:
> You store them in the DB as a BLOB type, but save the data as a JPEG, 
> MP3, WAV or whatever it happens to be.  The binary data resides as a DB 
> column and the same row may have other columns which could be text to 
> describe the item or a number to store the size etc.

But the API does not include any sort of streaming of BLOBs -- you can't
just read the first 10MB of a BLOB then the next 10MB, then the next
1GB, etc.

Also, the API uses "int" to represent BLOB sizes, so on ILP32 and LP64
platforms it should be limited to 2GB BLOBs, which is not that large.

If you really want to store large BLOBs and "stream" them then you have
to fragment them yourself, I gather.

Bottom line: for very large blobs use files on a filesystem, not SQLite



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