When doing a select with join as :

select * from table_1
left join table_2
on table_1.column11 = table2.column21

column names are *not *qualified with table names. Instead, what I get is column11, column12, column21, column22 and so on. ( where column11, column12 are from table_1 and column21, column22 are from table_2 )

According to the wiki, when there is a join involved, I should be getting the column names as *table1.column11*, *table2.column12* and so on.....

http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ColumnNames ( case 4 applies in my case )

Also note that, if instead I do the following it works as expected and column names *are *qualified with table_names

select table1.column11, table2.column21, table2.column22
from table_1
left join table_2
on table_1.column11 = table_2.column21;

I'm using version 3.3.8 and have both short_column_names and full_column_names flags turned 'off'

I'm not sure if I'm missing something here or this is a bug ?

Any help would be appreciated.


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