Jeff Godfrey wrote:
I'm curious how others handle this.

A.  You don't need or use any custom SQL functionality
B.  You don't use a 3rd party SQLite management tool
C.  Something else I haven't thought of?


I think it is mostly A, or B, or at least it alternates between A and B depending on the database.

Part of the problem is that the loadable extensions are not portable between platforms, so you can't count on having an extension available. Without certainty that the extensions will be available, you can't use them in the schema of your database (like trigger statements or views).

For a custom application you can add code that creates the required extensions when you open the database, so they will always be available from within that application, but that precludes the use of 3rd party tools since there is no standard way to tell a 3rd party tool which extensions it should load when it opens a database.

Dennis Cote

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