Joe Wilson wrote:
One of the strengths of SQLite is having the flexability to hook it up to any language you like. But it would make life easier for everyone if there was some sort of standard built-in simple scripting language to create stored procedures and custom functions within the standard SQLite distro to avoid exactly this sort of compatability problem. Maybe some sort of simplififed PL/SQL or Transact/SQL with the scripts autoloaded from an sqlite system table. Or perhaps a standard SQLite convention to register a language with it and have stored procs and functions of that language autoload when the database is first attached. Anyone could easily write such
an extension, but having it as a standard in the distro is the key.


I agree that having the ability to store procedures in the database itself would be a great addition to sqlite. And, it would have to be part of the standard distribution to be effective.

I think that it is unlikely to happen for a couple of reasons.

First, it would increase the size of the sqlite library and since many of Richard paying customers are very concerned about the library footprint, they would view this as a step backwards (but it could be done as a compile time option that they could leave out when building their minimalist versions).

Second, I think Richard sees sqlite as a library that users should be using from a scripting language, in particular TCL, rather than a standalone database engine that should contain its own scripting environment. If we all switch to TCL, which is widely available for most platforms, then you can store your scripts in the database and execute them as needed. These scripts can also create user defined functions. There are more details on these ideas at

Dennis Cote

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