Sure you can.  You just have to put the expression in parentheses
(to avoid a parsing conflict).  Try this:

    CREATE TABLE test1(
      date TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'now')),
      dummy int
    INSERT INTO test1(dummy) VALUES(1);
    SELECT * FROM test1;

Oh. OK then. I just went by the documentation at http://www.sqlite.org/lang_createtable.html. This isn't mentioned there at all.

Would you like a bug report for the documentation, or will you just fix it?
I would suggest that adding a small amount of code bloat to accept another magic default value that stores the high resolution julian day number

This would break backwards compatibility.  It would not be a major
break but it could possible cause problems for some users.
How would adding a new JULIAN_TIMESTAMP keyword which is a magic alias of julianday('now') in the same fashion as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is an alias for datetime('now') break backwards compatibility? The new keyword would only be used in new code. The old one would continue to work as it does now in old code. The benefit would be smaller more flexible databases for those who adopt the new functionality. There would be no change for those who don't.

I need to start a wiki page on proposed minor incompatibilities
so that we I go from 3.3.x to 3.4.0 I can be sure to get them all.
What was that one we discussed on this mailing earlier this week?

I agree with this. I remember something else was discussed too, but I'm not sure what it was either.

I looked back and found that it was the PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL issue raised by Eric Johansson.

Dennis Cote

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