"Mitchell Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm converting a bunch of databases from SQLite 2.8.16 to SQLite
> 3.3.13 and am seeing something pretty amazing space saving. So good
> that it might be too good to be true!
> For example, a 17 meg database is cut down to 7 megs. That's fantastic
> if it's just that SQlite is *that* much better at storing the data,
> but I'm worried I'm missing things. The row counts for all the tables
> match up but it will take more time for me to write something that
> compares every field in every data table (there are more than 300
> fields total in this database).
> So is a 60%ish reduction in DB size from 2.8.16 to 3.3.13 normal?

3.3.13 typically generates database files that are 30-40% smaller
than 2.8.16.  60% seems excessive, but is not outside the range of
possibility.  What kind of data are you storing?  Floating point
numbers are 8 bytes in 3.3.13 versus 17 bytes in 2.8.16.  Something
like that could account for the difference.

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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