Igor Tandetnik wrote:
John Elrick <john.elrick-bHQK/pGi2DVWk0Htik3J/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We tested the procedure under performance analysis on seven different
Windows machines, ranging from Windows 2000, Windows XP and Vista.  In
five of the cases, inserting 128 rows outside of the context of a
transaction takes 11 - 17 seconds.  In the other two cases, a Windows
XP machine and a Windows 2000 machine running under VMWare, the exact
same operation takes between 0.8 and 1.1 seconds.

When you call FlushFileBuffers on a host OS, the OS makes sure the data is physically written to the disk surface, and doesn't return until it is.

When you call FlushFileBuffers in a virtual machine, the virtualized hard drive just says "sure, I've written it, go right ahead".

Which is fine except the exact same performance is achieved on a real (non-VM) Windows XP machine.


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