I am porting sqlite3 to the embeded os,such as threadx,nucleus,ect..
I am writing the file such as os_threadx.c,os_nucleus.c according to the 
I have read the os_win.c and find that there is a switcher OS_WINCE in the 
struct winFile.
Is this mean the windows platform don't need the function such as share 
memory(CreateFileMappingW,MapViewOfFile....) inside the OS_WINCE swither?

whether I should realize the share memory lock function in the embeded os? 
I have find there is not a direct way similar to the windows share memory 
and the interface funcitons.
It seems difficult to simulate the share memory funciton and it's lock 
function in my embeded os.
Does it mean I must realize it. or the porting will fail.

another question:
There is also a little difficult to realize the 
sqlite3WinThreadSpecificData function to get the thread information, 
Is this also must realize ?

thanks a lot.

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