The Unicode standard is beside the point. There is lots of code
that does not handle charsets and encodings correctly, which can
open vulnerabilities to metacharacter injection. (Examples of
this class of problem are SQL injection, XSS and format string

I can't agree. SQLite itself wouldn't be vurnelable at all by
accepting any UTF-16 string (including invalid ones). Certainly, it
could cause problems to some applications using SQLite, but SQLite
can't be responsible for poorly written applications using it, can it?

Anyway, it certainly can't be called a bug if SQLite returns error
when I try to prepare an SQL statement with invalid characters.
However, it should be clear what SQLite considers as an invalid
character, is it only an unpaired surrogate, anything that Unicode
standard defines as a 'noncharacter' or even any character that
currently isn't defined by Unicode standard (which would be pretty bad
in my opinion)?

Re. that 0xE000 character, should I submit a bugreport somewhere?


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