I'v read in change log that some stack allocted memory were moved to the heap, 
but I think that there is still to much allocated memory on the stack.
After creating a table with 2000 columns, jdbc driver created a query that run 
out of stack. Default java's stack limit is low, but it wasn't hard to create 
simillar query that crashed C application with default stack limit. And the 
fact that it crashed instead repoting an error isn't really nice.
The query created by the driver looks like that:

select null as TABLE_CAT, null as TABLE_SCHEM, 'test' as TABLE_NAME, cn as 
COLUMN_NAME, dt as DATA_TYPE, tn as TYPE_NAME, 2000000000 as COLUMN_SIZE, 
2000000000 as BUFFER_LENGTH, 10   as DECIMAL_DIGITS, 10   as NUM_PREC_RADIX, 
colnullable as NULLABLE, null as REMARKS, null as COLUMN_DEF, 0    as 
ordpos as ORDINAL_POSITION, (case colnullable when 0 then 'N' when 1 then 'Y' 
else '' end)    as IS_NULLABLE, null as SCOPE_CATLOG, null as SCOPE_SCHEMA, 
null as SCOPE_TABLE, null as SOURCE_DATA_TYPE from (select 0 as ordpos, 1 as 
colnullable, 'col1' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 as dt union all select 1 as 
ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'col2' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 as dt union all 
select 2 as ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'col3' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 as dt 
union all select 3 as ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'col4' as cn, 'double' as tn, 8 
as dt union all select 4 as ordpos, 1 as colnullable, 'lastcol' as cn, 'double' 
as tn, 8 as dt);

but uses more columns.

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