I think problem is in use char * as parameter in push function. For that reason I use std::string always. Look, in callback2 SQLite pass char ** - array of char*. But when your code leave callback2 SQLite might errase that array and then all char* will garbage. But when in push method you will pass const std::string & -- char* will transform into std::string and you will not lose any data. Or event you can obviosly call ctor of std::string like

q->push( atoi(argv[0] ),atoi(argv[1] ),atoi(argv[2] ), std::string( argv[3] ), std::string( argv[4] ) );

and push method then will looks like this:

void QuestionDB::push( int b, int c, int v, const std::string & q, const std::string & a )

P.S. Try don't use char* in C++ code. Use std::string instead. And when you need char* you can transform std::string into char* with c_str() method of std::string.

Stephen Sutherland wrote:
Igor I tried your solution and can't get it working . Here is my code. The STRANGE problem that I am having is that when it adds to the vector at position 1, the vector contains the object. But when it adds to vector at position 2 using push_back - for some reason the contents at vector 1 is garbage. then when it adds to vector at position 3 using push_back - for some reason position 3 is garabage ? the errors in this situation doesn't seem to follow much logic ? but it's consistent. for example if i run this code and it uses push 4 times, position 1 and 3 might have garbase while position 2 will have the same contents as position 4 ? ? this is some weird stuff i haven't seen before. I'm wondering if the problem is due to the scope of either my QuestionDBStruct or my vector . ================================================= static int callback2(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
       int i;
       for(i=0; i<argc; i++)
printf("%i. %s = %s\n", i, azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL"); } QuestionDB* q = (QuestionDB*)NotUsed; q->push(c ); return 0; }; QuestionDB::QuestionDB()
  void QuestionDB::push(int b, int c, int v, char* q, char* a)
{ QuestionDBStruct qbs; qbs.bible_book =1; qbs.bible_chapter =2; qbs.bible_verse =3; qbs.bible_answer ="test";
        qbs.bible_question =q;
printf("\n****** push called ************\n"); vecQuestions.push_back(qbs); for(int x = 0 ; x < vecQuestions.size(); x++)
          printf("\nvecQuestion[%i] = %s \n", x, 
((QuestionDBStruct)vecQuestions[x]).bible_question );
printf("\n*******************************\n"); }; ========================================================
Igor Mironchick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  If I understand you right then try it:

static int add_value( void *st, int, char **value, char ** )
storage_t * storage = (storage_t*) st;
st->push( value[ 0 ] );
return SQLITE_OK;

class storage_t {
: m_db( 0 )
sqlite3_open( "your_database.db", &m_db );
virtual ~storage_t()
sqlite3_close( m_db );

void push( const std::string & v )
m_buff.push_back( v );

void read_table()
sqlite3_exec( m_db, "SELECT * FROM some_table",
add_value, this, NULL );

sqlite3 * m_db;
std::vector< std::string > m_buff;

This is very simple example, but it can help you I think.

Stephen Sutherland wrote:
I am using the 'quick start' C-styled code for sqlite3 
I think I'm running into a problem trying to put it in classes to make it somewhat object oriented. So I'm asking for help about how to make it object-oriented - or to confirm whether what I'm doing is object oriented. Here is the code:
//callback function
static int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
int i;
for(i=0; i> printf("%s = %s\n", azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL");
return 0;

// this callback is referenced here. void MyClass::executeSQLStatement()
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "select * from table1" , callback, 0, &zErrMsg);


However I am trying to add a vector in the callback function to store the 
results. When I put the vector in it seems I am forced to do something like 

vector vecX;

static int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
int i;
for(i=0; i> printf("%s = %s\n", azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL");

return 0;
Now this doesn't seem object oriented ? Nor do I understand how I would access this vector from other classes ? And I don't know how this vector which I created can be considered part of the class ? it seems to me to only have page scope. Any advice on how to make my vector object oriented or accessible by other classes ? Thanks in Advance Stephen

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