
   I'm trying to load the FTS2 extension in Delphi, using the Aducom
components. Am really close, but still stuck, and thinking it's a problem
with the parameter to sqlite3_enable_load_extension().

In declaration:
procedure sqlite3_enable_load_extension(db: string; onoff: integer);
stdcall; far; external 'sqlite3.dll';

In code:
sqlite3_enable_load_extension(Bladbase.Database, 1);
Result2 := Bladbase.SQLite3_ExecSQL('SELECT load_extension(''libfts2.dll

   I get an exception "Not authorized" on the SQL statement, inferring that
the enable_load_extension() function failed.

   This is possibly due to it wanting a real handle to the database, which
the Aducom components don't provide in a visible manner.

   Any ideas?


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