On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 21:35:30 -0500, Andy Goth wrote
> (See my original proposal writeup at the bottom of 
> http://wiki.tcl.tk/2633 for more details.)

I made a significant update to the bottom of said page.  I'll briefly cover it
here as well.  Basically I revise my proposal to be less generic, to only
support the limited case of a single Tcl variable expanding to the entire

Old script:

> $ set x {1 2 3}
> $ db eval {insert into xyzdata values({*}$x)}

New script:

$ db eval {insert into xyzdata values $x}

Note the lack of parentheses around $x.  This distinguishes it from the case
of inserting a single value "1 2 3" into xyzdata.

Andy Goth

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