Hi Daan,

You could try this:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE foo(a integer, b integer, c integer, d integer,
   ...>                         unique (a, b) on conflict ignore);
sqlite> CREATE TRIGGER fooUnique before insert on foo
   ...>         when exists (select a from foo where a=new.a and b=new.b)
   ...>         begin update foo set c=c+new.c, d=d+new.d where
a=new.a and b=new.b;
   ...>         end;
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,1,1,2);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2,3,4);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1,2,5,6);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (2,1,7,8);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,1,9,10);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,2,11,12);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,2,13,14);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (3,3,15,16);
sqlite> select * from foo;


On 08/10/2007, Daan van der Sanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply!
> At the moment I've got a database with values gathered from multiple
> inputs that generated "duplicate entries" for the "what should be unique"
> a,b combination. So I was wondering if they could be "easily" merged
> without creating a new table.
> Now I'm going to first copy all unique samples to a new database and then
> insert the summed values using the given query. But this solution seems a
> bit awkward, since I'm copying 6 million unique records to a new database
> and adding a small 22.000 records that are summed. So that's why I was
> wondering if it could be done in the same table.
> I hope my problem is a bit clearer now.
> Kind regards
> Daan

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