On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:33:35 +0200, Kees Nuyt wrote
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 22:10:38 -0500, you wrote:
>> You might want to be a little bit more clear about the fact that 
>> [transaction] nests even though BEGIN does not.
> The TCL transaction{} can be nested, the SQL BEGIN can't.

It looks like I'm the one who was unclear.  I was asking DRH to consider
expanding the documentation a bit to underscore the fact that [transaction]
can be used in nested fashion despite the limitations of BEGIN--- I had
incorrectly assumed that since BEGIN doesn't nest, [transaction] doesn't nest
either.  Also, I didn't explain my typographical convention: [bracketed] words
are Tcl commands, CAPITALIZED words are SQL keywords.

Andy Goth

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