1. Qualified Yes,  depending on your definition of concurrency.

2. Connections may remain open.

3. Mutexes are not required for protection.

Read the following:

Lee Crain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I loosely follow this forum so I am almost 
certain this subject has come
up in the forum in the last few months. However, until Monday of this
week, this subject had not come up in my company's application
requirements so I made few mental notes on it. Now, a requirement for
having 2 or more processes accessing the same SQLite database has arisen.

1. Can multiple processes "concurrently" access the same SQLite database?
2. If so, can multiple processes maintain an open connection to the
database? Or must the connection be opened and closed, before and after,
respectively, each database access?
3. Would the use of a MUTEX as access protection be adequate to
successfully implement controlled "concurrency"?

If my ideas on how to successfully implement this capability are not
appropriate, please advise me.


Lee Crain

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