On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:18:48 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>To accomodate this need, we are considering an incompatible
>API change to SQLite.  We are thinking of requiring that an
>application invoke:
>    int sqlite3_initialize(...);
>prior to using any other SQLite interface. 

In my environment SQLite is used mostly in batch via the command
line tool, in PHP (via PDO), and using sqlite3explorer (a great
SQLite GUI frontend by Mike Cariotoglou).

Of course the command line tool gives no issues at all.

Implementation of sqlite3_initialize in PHP might take quite
some time, but as long as the dbfile format stays the same that
won't be a problem, as we will be using the PHP-specific library
version anyway.

I hope Mike Cariotoglou is willing to update sqlite3explorer ;)
The same probably goes for other less actively maintained
  (  Kees Nuyt

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