[Default] On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 16:57:55 -0400, "Bernie Cosell"

>I'm trying to correct several little problems in a DB I have and I've 
>now tried three [maybe four] freeware DB managers and not one includes 
>a search function.  I have a table with 800+ rows and I'd like to find 
>particular records so I can edit them, and not having a search is 
>proving to be a real hassle.  [I've been spoiled, I guess, about 

There is phpSQLiteAdmin. Not as good as phpMyAdmin, but it might
be just what you need. You also may find sqlite3explorer (my
favorite) useful. Its result grid is quite powerful.

for those two and many others.

>Is there a freeware manager for XP that includes 
>searching capability?  [If I were in long-term need of mgr stuff I'd 
>happily buy one of them [they're inexpensive enough], but I"m just 
>trying to correct typos in a DB that I recently converted to version 3] 
>   /bernie\

  (  Kees Nuyt

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