Many thanks, Joe,

>Your grammar is ambiguous. The text tokens run together for 
>various rules because the grammar lacks clear separators between 

OK, I begin to understand. The "clear separators" need to be TERMINALs, right? 
I believed that these were imlicit because there are TEXT and LINK after all 
text tokens are fully expanded. Therefore I thought that the grammar would not 
be ambiguous.

>You can fix it a million ways by altering your grammar.

Thanks for the suggestions - I can see that they do not generate conflicts, but 
they certainly alter the grammar.

>Here is one way:
>  article ::= blocks.
>  blocks ::= block.
>  blocks ::= blocks block.
>  block ::= heading.
>  block ::= paragraph.
>  heading ::= HEADING_START text HEADING_END.
>  heading ::= HEADING_START text.
>  heading ::= HEADING_START.
>  paragraph ::= PARA text.
>  text ::= textpiece.
>  text ::= text textpiece.
>  textpiece ::= TEXT.
>  textpiece ::= LINK.

I observed the new PARA terminal token (the clear separator!?). Unfortunately 
the lexer does not generate such a token. Paragraph repeats are also removed.

>Here's another:
>  article ::= blocks.
>  blocks ::= block.
>  blocks ::= blocks block.
>  block ::= heading NEWLINE.
>  block ::= paragraph NEWLINE.
>  heading ::= HEADING_START text HEADING_END.
>  heading ::= HEADING_START text.
>  heading ::= HEADING_START.
>  paragraph ::= text.
>  text ::= textpiece.
>  text ::= text textpiece.
>  textpiece ::= TEXT.
>  textpiece ::= LINK.

This one also removes paragraph repeats, doesn't it? Unfortunately paragraphs 
need to repeat for my grammar. Is there a way to achieve this without conflicts?

>Lemon generates an .out file for the .y file processed.
>You can examine it for errors.

I have tried to make sense of the .out file before. It tells me where to look 
for the problem, but not how to fix it ...

I am sorry to appear stupid, but I still can not make sense of it all. Can 
someone still help, please?


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