--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Yes, this does create problems for .dump/.load in the shell.
> But, as has been pointed out, you can work around it using
> a compile-time switch:
>     gcc -DSQLITE_MAX_SQL_LENGTH=1000000000 shell.c sqlite3.c -o sqlite3
> I should probably modify the makefile to do this automatically...

It would be useful if this value could be set at runtime via PRAGMA or 
a function like sqlite3_set_max_sql_length().

Why? An operating system (say, Mac OSX) may have only one shared 
libsqlite3.so and many programs using that shared library. It would be 
beneficial if they could all use the same shared library even though they 
require a different maximum SQL length.

Perhaps other defaults could be similarly set at runtime as well.

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