On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 11:25:01AM -0500, Rob Sciuk wrote:

> You know, I believe that an "embedded" SQL has a philosophy which is 
> inherently minimalist.

...yes, I know.

> Your request specifically goes against the 
> philosophy of what SQLite was designed to be. DRH is working hard to 
> protect an ideal which has appealed to millions, and continues to do so, 

Of course, I appreciate work of dr. Hipp

> and adding bloat will not contribute to its future success.

Of course, any feature, which *you* aren't especially fond of, you can
describe as "bloat". Even the most useful feature (which is useful FOR ME)
- can be "bloat" for you. And vice versa. No, I'm not using *all*available*
features of SQLite. Are they "bloat"? Answer yourself.

I'm not quite sure, what is the point in continuing this thread, when
*yesterday* already I responded to the denial sent by Darren Duncan, that
it's OK, and I can understand, that the devs didn't share my point of view.
If it's going to convince me, that I don't need what I need - it's
pointless, because I know my own needs much better. Otherwise I've got no
idea, where should it going to, when I already wrote "OK, no problem".
                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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