On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 14:09:51 -0500, John Elrick
>You can't.  You lose the db aware aspect, but what I'm saying is it 
>isn't as "bad" as I used to think.

OK, I don't mind not using DB-aware widgets if you say it's not much
more work.

So how do you 1) access an SQLite database from Delphi, and 2) how to
you manage data between the file and a non-DB-aware grid? If you have
some basic source handy, I could work from there.

>TDataSource/TDataLink was a good idea in its time, but it is way out of 
>date and, in my experience, creates as many problems as it solves once 
>you start building more complex user-centric GUIs.

Yup, that's the impression I get, based on the little I've gathered
here and there about Delphi and databases.

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