Gilles Ganault wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 14:09:51 -0500, John Elrick
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can't.  You lose the db aware aspect, but what I'm saying is it 
>> isn't as "bad" as I used to think.
> OK, I don't mind not using DB-aware widgets if you say it's not much
> more work.
> So how do you 1) access an SQLite database from Delphi, and 2) how to
> you manage data between the file and a non-DB-aware grid? If you have
> some basic source handy, I could work from there.

I would not mind.  I'm supplying someone else with our libraries and 
will create a simple "Hello World" ap to display some basic concepts.

>> TDataSource/TDataLink was a good idea in its time, but it is way out of 
>> date and, in my experience, creates as many problems as it solves once 
>> you start building more complex user-centric GUIs.
> Yup, that's the impression I get, based on the little I've gathered
> here and there about Delphi and databases.

Still better than the MS world<g>  I will remember to my dying day the 
time I discovered a rather troublesome defect when calling AddNew on the 
DataControl in VB 5.0 when tied to a Sheridan grid.  It blue screened my OS.

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