Hi there,

I have a small issue and I was hoping that someone
might be able to point me in the right direction. 

I am trying to build a C/C++ application using the
amalgamation version without having the
file.db-journal created. I am using version 3.5.3.
My understanding is that in order to do that I need to
execute the PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY; as soon as I
open the database,
and also to change in the SQLite C amalgamation file,
the value: 
#ifndef TEMP_STORE
        #define TEMP_STORE 2 

The application compiles fine and is working but the
db-journal file is still being created.

If that is not correct and the above commands have a
different role, then here is what I am trying to

We are running a scientific application on both
Windows and Linux machines and we are writing equation
results in database files.
The problem is that the file.db-journal is kept
"alive" on the disk for a short while, after
transactions have been commited and the database
connection is closed; that is causing us some issues
with another module. I tried the above commands but 
the journal file is still being created. I also tried
waiting for 60 seconds after the database was closed
but to no avail. 

Any help on that would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.

Best regards,
Ovidiu Anghelidi

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