Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
> #v+
> SQLite version 3.5.6
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> select date('now');
> 2008-03-28
> sqlite> select date('now')-14;
> 1994
> sqlite>

No I think it's doing exactly what it should. You're asking a very 
vague question. My guess is SQLite returns '2008-03-28' for now(), 
and then you tell it to -14. Since '2008-03-28' is a string, and 
you're trying to subtract from that it converts it to a integer. 
'2008-03-28' converts to 2008 as an integer.

2008 - 14 = 1994.

Scott Baker - Canby Telcom
RHCE - System Administrator - 503.266.8253
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