On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 3:40 PM, Jay A. Kreibich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Set SQLites page size to be much larger (PRAGMA page_size).
>    Makes SQLite deal with bigger chunks of data, reducing the overhead
>    percentage.  You'll very likely need to turn this up pretty high
>    to see significant changes.
>  Set SQLites page cache to be much larger (PRAGMA cache_size)
>    Reduces the number of I/O operations.  Great for lookups and sorts.
>    Not that useful for writes.  Depends a lot on how you use the DB.
>  Live dangerously and turn down/off disk syncing (PRAGMA synchronous).
>    Reduces the delay for writes.  Dangerous.
>  Or, brute force: Copy the file locally, do your stuff, copy it back.

Thank you all for your suggestions and explanations.  I now understand
better the complexity underlying networked volumes.

I tried:

      PRAGMA cache_size = 1000000
      PRAGMA synchronous = OFF

(all executed before creating any tables)

There was no improvement in first read/write performance at all.

Looks like the brute force solution is the only answer here.


Peter K. Stys, MD
Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
University of Calgary
tel (403) 210-8646
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