Carlo S. Marcelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Below is the syntax and error I received.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# sqlite
> /var/local/database/dblist "insert into
> list ('0,0,newblacklistentry1,com') values
> ('0,0,')"
> SQL error: table list has no column named
> 0,0,newblacklistentry1,com

This statement makes no sense. In the first pair of parens, you are 
supposed to provide a list of column names. In the second, a list of 
values. A new row is inserted, in which specified columns are set to 
specified values (and columns that were not mentioned, if any, take on 
their default values). Something like this:

insert into list(column1, column2, column3) values (0, 0, 

> What I am trying to do here is create a script that
> will populate the database with a hundred thousand
> entries (no duplicates).

Perhaps you can use .import directive supported by sqlite command line 
shell. You need a file in CSV format, one row per record. Then just do

.import filename tablename

Igor Tandetnik 

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