
I've been back-porting SQLite 3.x to CentOS 4.7 for some development 
work.  I've been taking the SRPMS from koji.fedoraproject.org and 
rebuilding them.

All has been fine through v3.6.7 but when I tried to recently upgrade to 
3.6.10 (by just updating the SPEC file and rebuilding), the YUM updater 
no longer works.  In particular the python-sqlite package exits with an 
error when it tries to read it's cache file (I assume that it's a SQLite 
DB).  I checked the in-between builds and one of the changes in v3.6.8 
has triggered this error.

Is there anyone else with a similar problem?  FWIW, I've also done this 
under CentOS 5.2 and it also breaks its YUM too.


P.S.  Please reply all since I'm not subscribed to the mailing list.
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