Sergej Schwarz wrote:
> Amazing! Thanks Guys! This query working best!
> The runtime difference between LOCAL execution and execution in LAN 
> environment is still absolutely a show stopper! The old algorithm (get all 
> polygon data from Polygon table) and search for the neighbors in C++ is 
> faster in LAN, then RTree concept.
> LOCAL: RTREE 8x faster then my OLD implementation
> NET:     OLD is 2x faster then RTREE

Network disk access != disk access.  Once you move off your machine to a 
network, you introduce an unpredictable number of elements which can 
drag a file operation to its knees.  Disk I/O is limited by bus speeds, 
rotational speeds and fragmentation.  Network access is limited by all 
of those plus packet overhead, packet contention, server loading and a 
host of "when things in the network don't work quite right" issues.

How big are the files?  Can you copy them locally for your queries?  
Could you put some kind of server on the same machine as the files and 
poll the server instead?


John Elrick
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