> My experience has been that VMs strongly focus on correctness and
> reliability, and will obey sync orders and everything else databases
> depend on.

This is true on the CPU level. 

However, since I/O is a major bottleneck for VM's, things can get more complex 
inside the "storage controller hardware" emulation subsystem.  

Two things to ask about:

1) Many VM systems just rely on optimized nic drivers and go for "network" 
storage for all app/user data.  This has implications for SQlite.

2) Even if you use local storage, you must ensure that sync() and such calls 
that are presented to the virtualized storage controller are in fact passed on 
to the real storage controller.   Given the performance implications of 
multiple VM's issuing such calls, I would not just assume this to be true.

(It is possible to run DBs inside a VM safely, but perhaps not in the default 
config....  just double check.)


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