Chris and Jay:

Thank you both very much for  your comments; that solves it.  I am not  
a trained database designer, but I have resources on normalization; I  
simply neglected to consult them, thinking that this was a SELECT  
problem, not a design problem.  Your input was just what I was hoping  

> The concept of core and other keywords is a bit arbitrary.
> What is important (i.e. core) today might not be so tomorrow.
> Parsing comma separated lists in a single attribute is
> likely to be a bother.

>  Generally, I would call this a bad idea.  By most people's
>  thinking it also breaks First Normal Form.
>  Besides, you can't do database operations on comma separated lists.
>  If you need a one-to-many (one pic to many keywords) then do it right
>  and build an actual one-to-many relationship between two tables.

Craig Smith

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